Monday, March 9, 2009

The world according to Garp.

I had the opportunity today to see the World According to Garp, with Robyn Williams. It had a little of the overdramtic response of the early 80s. And a little of the predicted gestures that are typical to williams. But I was touched by the relationship of Mother and Son in the movie and perhaps because I have become overly sensitive these days, the loss of a mother resonates deeply in my soul. Though God willing both of my parents are living; I could not help but see a certain change in vulnerability in the the 6 months I was gone. And even 6 months is enough time to see changes, and the change in myself is also there. America, wounded and walking on one leg and rushing, always rushing to where only G-d knows. But Im attracted to her freedom and opportunities and the knowledge that age is only a number and even a car can make you feel well if for at least a moment.

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