Thursday, April 23, 2009


The train to the East left late from the central station,where the late night shuffle of a homeless man was the last person i saw as the train slowly made its way out the city. That was a moment I loved; That slow rattle of a train moving towards a silent destination far from the fray of the bustle. The night brought out the mystery of it even more, and being alone in my cabin, I looked out the window and saw that ancient cobbled landscape inching itself away from me slowly. Slowly away to the East where a new world was awaiting me. And the train kept rolling. Trains were the source of something deep and churning within me. Something of a lost youth I was always trying to regain,trying to hold on to. But what really could I hold on to, and even Monica and Bilbo the cat could not remain in my life for long, before i was ready to leave them again and again. But trains; they were more like me now and I was more like them, and in that spirit I was headed for the first time to the East.

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