Monday, September 15, 2008


If you want to see real Moles, you should come to the Czech Republic. Here the Moles are the best in the world, direct non manicured Moles,the real ones. The ones that count. Ive seen A few of them here. You cannot miss them. They are A little bit like tourist attractions, they are always there and here and always in your face. In fact I think they make A better attraction, Especially if your having A boring day and even more so when you catch one in the morning. Those are the best. I saw A lady this morning with A great Mole, it really made my day. I thought: "Wow, Now I can really start my day". So, if you want to see some great Moles, that otherwise you would not see anywhere else, come to the Czech Republic. You wont be let down.

1 comment:

Peter Clothier said...

No "wonder" I couldn't find you, Naftali! I was looking for a "wandering" Jew, rather than a "wondering" one! Both are appropriate, I guess, since you're doing both. Glad to find you. But you might attract more visits if you chose "wandering", I think. Big hugs from L.A.!