Saturday, September 13, 2008


I was never good at defining what being Jewish meant. I went through the motions of A secular life, without purpose or direction. I had no sense of my own value or strength. I was an Ameba going here and there. At times I would get A glimpse of something powerful within myself, but it was never enduring. I happen to believe in A God. It took me A long time to get there, and still the path can get shaky. But somehow there is the underlying feeling that as A Jew there is no other way, that ultimately, no matter how many paths I take, I will eventually arrive at the same conclusion which is, that There is A God and that He is One. I dont question this anymore. And of course there is the question of gender which I am sensitive to. But at this point God is how each and every person defines it for themselves. I have been feeling God here, hovering above me when I walk. He is watching over me, keeping me on that straight and narrow. Thank God.

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